St John’s Church plays an important role in many people’s lives in the community of Churt and Rushmoor. It supports people from birth throughout their life – baptism, toddlers, school, weddings, Christmas and Easter celebrations, Remembrance, the Village Fete, concerts, events and much more.
It costs £7,640 per month to run St John’s Church, including running costs, insurance and covering salaries. Our work is paid for entirely out of donations. We don’t receive any public money from the government (except in the form of Gift Aid relief).
Whether you are a regular church goer, or a member of the Parish who appreciates the work which St John’s does, please consider donating to the church. We cannot keep serving the community alone.
There are a few different ways that you can donate:
Use the Parish Giving Scheme – packs are available at the back of the church, from our treasurer Tim Kirk, or direct from
The Parish reference to quote is: 17061703Payment can be made by BACS/Bank Payment, using the following details:
Sort code: 60-10-14
Account No: 50257234
Reference: ChurtPCC-Giving-[Surname] (eg ‘ChurtPCC-Giving-Smith’)You can write a cheque, made out to ‘PCC of Churt’ and send to the church office address:
St. John’s Church Office, Old Kiln Lane, Churt GU10 2HXDownload the standing order form and send to Richard Bourne.
For any information you need on giving to St. John’s please get in touch with our Treasurer, Tim Kirk
Richard Bourne
Stewardship Officer
Tim Kirk